New Releases
Rumors from the Han Dynasty
Zongli LU, Ph.DDealing with rumors from the Han Dynasty and through investigation and study of gossips, lies or “rumors” and the related contexts as recorded in historical documentation, the author holds that these so-called rumors may help researchers of history interpret the group mentality and the social psychological atmosphere of a time and place in history, thus producin......
Identification of Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
Gongwang HUANG, an artist in Yuan Dynasty, started creating Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains at the age of 79. This famous painting has been drifting from place to place for hundreds of years. Former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao once said: “I know a half (of the painting) is in a museum in Hangzhou and the other half at National Palace Museum, Taipei. I hope the t......
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